Approach in the closer for an organic discovery of the body. Work around the energy of the movement to extract from it from new substances. A dance where alternation of falls, tensions, relaxations, imbalance, ecstasy and jubilation of a suspension give way.
The preparation is body based on listening to expand its own sphere of operation. Awaken the body and sensory capabilities of each. Development of a variation based awareness of the center of gravity and its deployment to the outside.
Corinnes class is unique! Very physical, yet with a poetic flow.
Corinne Lanselle is originally from Paris, but was educated in New York with influences from Horton and Limon. Since 1985 she has created her own work within and for her own company. She is a well reknown dance teacher all around the world.
She is teaching regularly at festivals in Italy, Japan and France. She is member of the faculty and teaches regularly at Studio Harmonics professional school in Paris.
Workshopen är öppen för professionellt yrkesverksamma dansare.
Tidpunkt: 10.00–16.00 (måndag – fredag)
Plats: Studio Acusticum i Piteå
I samverkan mellan Dansalliansen, Dans I Nord och Danscentrum Norr.
Sista anmälningsdag är 20:e augusti 2017.
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